I’m participating in NaNoWriMo this year. For the uninitiated, that really just means that I’ve committed to working on a novel every day for the month of November, so put as many words as possible down, and to just keep moving forward. Simple, right?
This is my very first time participating, but if you look at my profile on the NaNoWriMo site, you’d see that I’ve been a member for seven years. Yep, that’s seven years of telling myself that I had no time because my work schedule always went crazy in the fall, and then derby came into my life and I had even less time and way more excuses. Why is it that there just never seems to be a convenient time to follow your dreams?
Now the excuses are gone. I left that job behind when I left San Diego, and while I did find derby again, the practice schedule is nice and light right now, very manageable. So here I am, on the morning of day three of writing, not counting the brainstorming, outlining, and rough plotting that I did back in October, you know, stuff that I’ll probably end up throwing away in the process). I’m close to 4,500 words in, and I’m hoping to get some more down before the day is over. I am desperately trying to not go back and re-read anything, trying to just put words down and immediately let my brain move on from them, no lingering, no judging. It’s hard, it’s really hard.
I think, I’m hoping that if I force myself to do more public updates, that will help keep me moving forward for the rest of the month. I’m also making the safest possible choice because no one has really found this blog yet. It’s the perfect way to admit it to everyone and no one at the same time.
For now, my heroine has a name (that was a pretty major breakthrough), and I’ve managed to spew out a couple of pages every time I sit down to do it. Progress is happening, and I’m happy about that. This is only the beginning, this month will definitely be a marathon, and I usually think of myself as more of a sprinter (or a, sit on the side and watch other people run because it’s no fun), but I made a promise to myself to push through, and I will. If nothing else, I know I’m stubborn enough for that.